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Lifestyle Quotes, Sayings, Status and Captions

β€œMaintain a balance life: Nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.”


A lifestyle normally mirrors a singular’s mentalities, lifestyle, qualities, or world view. Consequently, a lifestyle is a method for manufacturing an ability to be self aware and to make social images that reverberate with individual character. Not all parts of a lifestyle are willful. Encompassing social and specialized frameworks can compel the lifestyle decisions accessible to the individual and the images she/he can project to other people and oneself.

The lines between close to home personality and the regular doings that signal a specific lifestyle become obscured in current culture. For instance, “green lifestyle” signifies holding convictions and taking part in exercises that devour less assets and produce less destructive waste (for example a more modest natural impression), and determining an ability to be self aware from holding these convictions and taking part in these exercises. A few analysts contend that, in advancement, the foundation of lifestyle development is utilization conduct, which offers the likelihood to make and further individualize the self with various items or administrations that signal diverse lifestyles.

β€œJust live as simply you are. Don’t take a burden too much.”

Lifestyle Quotes, Sayings, Status and Captions

  1. β€œThat a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered.”
  2. β€œGrab it while you can because tomorrow could suck you dry.”
  3. β€œIf you have time to whine then you have time to find solution.”
  4. β€œShe makes life over, he realized. She controls life, whereas I just sit on my can and let it happen to me.”
  5. β€œIf you can show people how to build castles, make sure you do not neglect building and nurturing your own.”
  6. β€œDaily dance uplift the soul to spiritual realms.”
  7. β€œThe past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.”
  8. β€œChanging a Habit is Never Difficult. Difficult is to Address Your Unwillingness to do it”
  9. β€œMoney without time is next to meaningless.”
  10. β€œYou can always get another job, but you can’t get another life.”
  11. β€œMoney won’t change you. Change will change you.”
  12. β€œAnyone’s opinion… or anyone’s idea … or anyone’s advice… does not matters, until is being granted and validated by the self.”
  13. β€œSensuality is the ecstasy of life.”
  14. “Your genetics load the gun. Your lifestyle pulls the trigger…”
  15. β€œJust like your body and lifestyle can be healthy or unhealthy, the same is true with your beliefs. Your beliefs can be your medicine or your poison.”
  16. β€œBe yourself. Don’t worry about what other people are thinking of you.”
  17. β€œThere are lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven’t the time to enjoy it.”
  18. β€œLack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”
  19. β€œAdopting a new healthier lifestyle can involve changing diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables as well as increasing levels of exercise.”
  20. β€œLook at the sparrows; they do not know what they will do in the next moment. Let us literally live from moment to moment.”
  21. β€œIndividually, people are finding that a simpler lifestyle provides greater satisfaction than relentless pursuit of materialism.”
  22. β€œTo insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”
  23. β€œDo not live in the shadow of the masters forever. Learn to live in the light of your soul. Life deserves full expression.”
  24. β€œSelf-observation is the first step of inner unfolding.”
  25. β€œIn whatever work environment, whether we admit it or not, there is always a little part of us that has been or will be tempted by a lifestyle for the wrong reasons.”
  26. β€œFind a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live.”
  27. β€œSelect your friendships carefully. Gather people around you who will reinforce your lifestyle.”
  28. β€œShe lived frugally, but her meals were the only things on which she deliberately spent her money. She never compromised on the quality of her groceries, and drank only good-quality wines.”
  29. β€œRoses are red, violets are blue, bad hair days are okay, but bad hair days will screw you.”
  30. β€œStart with changing unhealthy habits to healthy ones β€”and make them your favorites.”
  31. β€œThe reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.”
  32. β€œVegan diet is not necessarily healthy, but it does have the moral high ground.”
  33. β€œLiving a healthy lifestyle will always be a personal decision for everyone but we can always pass the message to those who need the help.”
  34. β€œThe groundwork for all happiness is good health.
  35. β€œEasy comes Easy goes is particularly true in the case of health.”
  36. β€œDon’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”
  37. β€œIf your grocery store has a healthy food section, what is the rest of the store?
  38. β€œYour body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.”
  39. β€œEating is ecstasy; overeating is lunacy.”
  40. β€œAny food that requires enhancing by the use of chemical substances should in no way be considered a food.”
  41. β€œThere are lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven’t the time to enjoy it.”
  42. β€œThe more we see health as a practice rather than as a problem to fix, the more we encourage the body’s natural potential to be healthy.”
  43. β€œWhen health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.”
  44. β€œTo insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”
  45. β€œDon’t go to battle trying to stop a habit. Instead, reshape it and send it in a new direction.
  46. β€œPreserving the health by too strict a regimen is a wearisome malady.”
  47. β€œLack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.”
  48. β€œAbout eighty percent of the food on shelves of supermarkets today didn’t exist 100 years ago.”
  49. β€œThe earlier you invest in health, the more dividends it pays later.”
  50. β€œNothing is more fatal to health than an over care of it. Use nature’s gift to start living a happier, healthier life today.”
  51. β€œIf you don’t take care of yourself, the undertaker will overtake that responsibility for you.”
  52. β€œTo keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
  53. β€œIf we seek solitary retreat, you will be more often refreshed.”
  54. β€œHe who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.”
  55. β€œWhen the body forces you to STOP it are saying, hey buddy, you’ve gone too far.”
  56. β€œHealth is the first muse, and sleep is the condition to produce it.”
  57. β€œA good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”
  58. β€œThe main weapons in the prevention and treatment of disease and human carelessness will probably always be food and exercise.”
  59. β€œWithout health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering.”
  60. β€œA healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.”
  61. β€œEvery negative belief weakens the partnership between mind and body.”
  62. β€œKeeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything.”
  63. β€œIt is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.”
  64. β€œYou can’t control what goes on outside, but you CAN control what goes on inside.”
  65. β€œMost people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.”
  66. β€œEat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, and move harmoniously.”
  67. β€œThe best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.”
  68. β€œHealth is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.”
  69. β€œI think being in love with life is a key to eternal youth.”
  70. β€œYou’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”
  71. β€œA man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.”
  72. β€œIf life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.”
  73. β€œAll life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”
  74. β€œAll of life is peaks and valleys. Don’t let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.”
  75. β€œFind ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.”
  76. β€œMy mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
  77. β€œHowever difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.”
  78. β€œLife is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
  79. β€œThe more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
  80. β€œThe most important thing is to enjoy your lifeβ€”to be happyβ€”it’s all that matters.
  81. β€œI enjoy life when things are happening. I don’t care if it’s good things or bad things. That means you’re alive.”
  82. β€œLife is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet.”
  83. β€œLife doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.”
  84. β€œI always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.”
  85. β€œI always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.”
  86. Β β€œHealth is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”
  87. β€œTo ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”
  88. β€œPhysical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”
  89. β€œThe human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.”
  90. β€œTo keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.”
  91. β€œGood health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.”
  92. β€œYou can’t control what goes on outside, but you CAN control what goes on inside.”
  93. β€œThe cheerful mind perseveres, and the strong mind hews its way through a thousand difficulties.”
  94. β€œIt is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.”
  95. β€œKeeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything.”
  96. β€œDivide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it, and watch the whole transform.”
  97. β€œEvery negative belief weakens the partnership between mind and body.”
  98. β€œHealth is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
  99. β€œThe doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
  100. β€œI have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health.”
  101. β€œA sad soul can be just as lethal as a germ.”
  102. β€œIf you know the art of deep breathing, you have the strength, wisdom and courage of ten tigers.”
  103. β€œRemain calm, because peace equals power.”
  104. β€œHealthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.”
  105. β€œA good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”
  106. β€œA life of success and achievement is a direct result of utilizing the power of positive thinking.”
  107. β€œA life without challenge would be like going to school without lessons to learn.”
  108. β€œA life without suffering is a life without happiness.”
  109. β€œA mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn anything from it, once you learned something from it, it becomes a lesson.”
  110. β€œA single moment of true joy is more powerful than a lifetime of sorrow.”
  111. β€œAfter destruction there is construction. Only on letting go will new opportunities comes up.”
  112. β€œA person’s success depends on their commitment.”
  113. β€œPray, not to ask God for what you need but to thank god for what you have. For he knows what you need and when you need it!”
  114. β€œSometimes, you just have to do some stupid things in life to find out who are the ones who will stay on and accept you…”
  115. β€œNever judge anyone till you’ve heard the full story and found out why they do the things they do.”
  116. β€œIf you give up too soon, you’ll never know what you’ll be missing. DON’T STOP when you are TIRED, STOP when you are DONE.”
  117. β€œI always thought that everything happens for a reason but later on I found out that sometimes reasons are not enough to explain why everything happened.”
  118. β€œSometimes the answers are not meant to be found. You just have to BELIEVE.”
  119. β€œSometimes you have to drop some things in order for you to carry more important things.”
  120. β€œMoments of insanity, silliness and craziness are just symptoms of happiness in your life. Enjoy them, sometimes they are the best part of your day!”
  121. β€œIf people talk about you, you shouldn’t be sad. You must be pretty special if they use their time talking about you.”
  122. β€œIf you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.”
  123. β€œKey to success: Respect your teachers, Do your studies well, Love your parents and Pray to Allah.”
  124. β€œIn life, problems continuously come and go. It never stops. So just enjoy, learn, and face it!”
  125. β€œIt’s not that how tragically we suffer; it’s how miraculously we live…”
  126. β€œExpect nothing from others and you will never be disappointed…”
  127. β€œLife leaps like a geyser for those who drill through the rock of inertia.”
  128. β€œLife is short. Let’s enjoy the small things in your life. Stay happy and keep smiling!”
  129. β€œSometimes there is no second chance, no next time, and no time out. Sometime it’s NOW or NEVER!”
  130. β€œWork for a cause, not for applause, lives life to express, not to impress, don’t strive to make your presence notice, and just try to make your absence felt.”
  131. β€œThere is no bad religion. There are only bad people.”
  132. β€œIf there is anyone in your life who loves you truly without expectation… it’s your Mom.”
  133. β€œStay single until someone actually compliments your life in a way that makes it better…”
  134. β€œYou can’t force people to stay in your life. Staying is choice, so be thankful for people who choose you.”
  135. β€œWhen life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.”
  136. β€œThe People Who Want To Stay In Your Life Will Always Find A Way.”
  137. β€œThere should be no regrets in life. Just lessons.”
  138. β€œI love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life right now.”
  139. β€œDarling, when things go wrong in life, you lift your chin, put on a ravishing smile, mix yourself a little cocktail…”
  140. β€œThey get up early, because they have so much to do, and go to bed early, because they have so little to think about.”
  141. β€œTime management is about life management.”
  142. β€œSometimes I’m real cool, but sometimes I could be a real asshole. I think everyone is like that.”
  143. β€œPeople will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.”
  144. β€œI’m a man of simple tastes. I’m always satisfied with the best.”
  145. β€œSelf-observation is the first step of inner unfolding.”
  146. β€œIf your life is worth thinking about, it is worth writing about.”
  147. β€œHave love for your inner self and everything else is done for you.”
  148. β€œYouthfulness is about how you live not when you were born.”
  149. β€œThe friends who met here and embraced are gone, Each to his own mistake;”
  150. β€œDo not live in the shadow of the masters forever. Learn to live in the light of your soul. Life deserves full expression.”
  151. β€œBe yourself. Don’t worry about what other people are thinking of you.”
  152. β€œDo not accept whatever comes. Do not accept whatever goes. You have infinite power. Exercise your choice.”
  153. β€œIf it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.
  154. β€œLove is a sensual way of thinking and living.”
  155. β€œMoon is beyond reach ; As thou ignored the Termites”
  156. β€œI am exactly who I AM. Respect my choice. Respect me.”
  157. β€œFocus on what is going with you even after death not on what is not going with you”.”
  158. β€œChange your lifestyle to be healthy and overcome health problems and deadly diseases; otherwise, doctors will stay changing medicines.”
  159. β€œThe goal of a sensual lifestyle is to make living an art.”
  160. β€œThere’s as many ways to live as people.”
  161. β€œSensual lifestyle is when divine living dictates your daily choices.”
  162. β€œWe have to realize that sensuality is not something we find, it’s something we growβ€”and grow into.”
  163. β€œFunctionality should follow sensuality, not the other way round.”
  164. β€œSensuality begins where necessity ends.”
  165. β€œSensuality is a luxury not everyone can afford to have.”
  166. β€œSensuality can only be found in intimate moments and spaces.”
  167. β€œNew goals don’t deliver new results. New lifestyles do. And a lifestyle is a process, not an outcome.”
  168. β€œMost people live a lie. And this is how BDSM has become one of the most prominent recovery tools of humankind!”
  169. β€œThe pursuit of sensuality is creating opportunities in experiential luxury.”
  170. β€œThere are people who have money and people who are rich.”
  171. β€œTo thyself be true;”
  172. β€œI don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.”
  173. β€œDo I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself,”
  174. β€œYour sensuality is your currency. Pay attention to how you spend or invest it.”
  175. β€œClothe yourself with harmonious style and a consistent message.”
  176. β€œDon’t save your money, Invest it.”
  177. β€œLet Happiness be the New Perfect!”
  178. β€œThe joy of living is a sensual art.”
  179. β€œBUSINESS MODEL THEORY: Your entire lifestyle is predicated on a business model.”
  180. β€œIf I were in his (Prophet Muhammad) presence, I would wash his feet.”
  181. β€œSee it, learn it, do it ALL.”
  182. β€œDoes not just look, but you should also observe.”
  183. β€œWhere does naturally goodness begins?”
  184. β€œJust live as simply you are. Don’t take a burden too much.”
  185. β€œWhen nobody is on your side never forget that Allah is always by your side.”
  186. β€œGive us being and feeling over having any day.”
  187. β€œThe art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings.”
  188. β€œIt’s not the best life in the world, but it’s all I know.”
  189. β€œI wanted life that’s comfortable enough for me, my ambitions and love.”
  190. Β β€œLover of poetry, prose and procrastination.”
  191. β€œTrustworthy is earned not bought.”
  192. β€œWhen it’s about your life, it’s time to be selfish.”
  193. β€œWhen you compromise your life, you compromise unhappiness.”
  194. β€œTime, energy and money. These should never be compromised.”
  195. β€œYou can actually accomplish all that you desire in life.”
  196. β€œHOME is where the heart is, but today, the PHONE is where the Heart is!!!”
  197. β€œLife, relationships and success is not for compromise.”
  198. β€œEat the right food at the right time for the right purpose.”
  199. β€œMaintain a balance life: Nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.”
  200. β€œLife is never easy for anybody. Be kind, tolerant and compassionate…”

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